Does Exercise Help IBS? (What you need to know to relieve symptoms!) IBS Health Coaching and FODMAP Diet Recipes | Calm Belly Kitchen (2024)

Exercise can improve IBS symptoms. You don’t have to look hard to find research studies to support this, but how does it work?

And more importantly, what exactly should YOU do to reap the benefits?

In this post, I’ll cover:

  • How does exercise help IBS?

  • How does exercise affect people with IBS-C versus IBS-D?

  • Is it okay to workout during a flare up?

  • Are any exercises NOT advised? What about high intensity?

  • How to get started if you’re new to fitness

The most important thing to remember is that exercise is yet another tool you have in your toolbox to manage IBS.

This is great news because the more tools you have, including the FODMAP Diet, the more control you can have over how your belly feels.

If you want to learn how to get the biggest benefit from exercise, keep reading OR watch my YouTube video that goes with this post!

Does Exercise Help IBS Bloating?

While exercise isn’t a magic pill, it can help relief one of the most annoying and uncomfortable IBS symptoms: bloating.

A study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found that mild exercise (participants pedaled a stationary bike) helps gas move through the gut faster, reducing the uncomfortable effects of bloating more quickly.

Definitely a win for exercise! It’s worth noting that even light activity can help, so you don’t have to break a crazy sweat to go for a walk, do some light yoga, or take an easy bike ride.

Can Exercise Relieve Other IBS Symptoms?

Another study divided participants into two groups. The first group was instructed to do 20-60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity three times per week. The second group was told to maintain their usual routine.

After 12 weeks, the activity group reported a significant improvement in GI symptoms compared to the second group. Additionally, a higher of percentage of participants in the non-activity group actually reported an increase in the severity of their symptoms.

What this study shows us is that the more active you are, the fewer severe, pain-in-the-butt, bad days you’ll have overall.

This is likely because regular exercise helps your gut function at its best by stimulating muscle movement in the colon and shortening the time it takes for food to pass through the gut.

That, along with the stress-relieving, mood-boosting benefits of exercise, is what makes it so effective.

Exercising with IBS-D

If you have IBS-D where diarrhea is your main symptom, you probably got a little concerned reading that previous bit. If activity speeds up transit time in the colon, won’t exercise cause diarrhea?

The answer is (of course) it depends.

If your IBS-D is unpredictable and severe, then more caution is needed. But that doesn’t mean you should abandon exercise.

Start slow with a home exercise routine so you’re always near the bathroom. Try online yoga, pilates, or strength training videos (I love Fitness Blender’s free YouTube videos). You can get an amazing strength workout with just body weight!

If you want to try something that gets your heart rate up, look for dance workouts. These can be lower impact so you’re not doing a lot of jumping around. Look for cardio ballroom, Bollywood, hula, or even Zumba--just modify the moves to make them low impact.

To get started with some simple yoga moves for IBS, check out this post.

If your IBS-D isn’t as severe--maybe you’re able to control your symptoms with the FODMAP Diet so you’re not running to the bathroom on a daily basis--then experiment until you find an activity you’re comfortable with and enjoy.

Walking is a great option. You don’t have to go full-on power walking...unless you want to.

You can also try strength training or cardio at the gym, or even classes. It’s perfectly fine to duck into the locker room if your belly starts to rumble.

Even jogging might work for you, but higher intensity runs and long distances are hard on the digestive system and can bring on diarrhea--even in advanced runners who DON’T have IBS.

Exercising with IBS-C

If your main IBS symptom is constipation, you may get big benefits from regular exercise. Not only does physical activity improve digestion by stimulating muscle contractions in your intestines, but it speeds up transit time.

This is key because the longer waste stays in your colon, the more water is absorbed from the stool into your body. Drier, harder stools are more difficult to pass and can leave you constipated.

What kind of exercise should you do? Anything you enjoy and will do consistently.

For me personally, weight lifting is my weapon of choice. I love how strong it makes me feel and how good it makes my body look. I also love doing water aerobics one day a week--this is a great option if you want something low impact or you’re recovering from an injury.

There’s no exercise you shouldn’t do unless it directly causes you pain or triggers symptoms. Cross Fit, HIIT (high-intensity interval training),’s all on the table!

Whatever activity you choose, drink plenty of water to replenish what you lose through sweat. Staying hydrated helps prevent constipation.

Is It Okay to Workout During a Flare Up?

So, you planned to hit up 6pm Zumba class, but your belly has different ideas. You feel crampy, bloated, and gas is trapped in your gut. Should you still go?

The answer depends on you. If your symptoms are mild to moderate, activity might actually help you feel better.

On the other hand, if you’re unable to walk and move around without pain, it’s probably better to rest and give yourself some TLC.

The best way to decide is to experiment and learn what works for you. Maybe you go to that Zumba class but you can’t keep up and don’t enjoy it. Okay, no big deal. Next time, try a walk or a light session on the elliptical and see how that goes.

There’s no right answer here, but listening to your body is the best guide. The goal is to get the benefits of exercise, so if it causes pain or makes you feel worse, take a rest or try something else.

Update: I got so many questions from you on social media about this topic, so I made a separate Q&A video. Click to watch!

How You Can Get Started

You don’t need a gym membership, fancy clothes, or a formal fitness routine. Maybe you’ll get there eventually, but those things aren’t necessary to get the benefits of exercise.

If getting started feels like an uphill battle, I challenge you to look at it in a different way: Instead of thinking, How can I start a workout routine?, think: How can I add movement to my everyday life?

This can be as simple as going for a 15 minute walk before lunch or doing a few strength exercises in your bedroom when you get up.

For now, focus on making it a habit to do one thing that gets you moving each day, even it’s for 5 minutes. The habit is the important part. Once it becomes automatic, you’ll start feeling good and will likely increase your movement or look for new ways to be active.

If you have a tough time thinking of yourself as “a fit person,” think of yourself as a person who moves more throughout the day. When that becomes a reality, guess what? You become a fit person.

Healthy Mindset is the Key to Consistency

I recently invited fitness trainer, Tiffany Ima, to join me on a live stream for my Calm Belly Club members, and she had amazing advice on how to approach fitness from a place of self-love and self-care:

Consistency is a problem when people approach fitness as, “Oh I just need to be skinny,” or “I need to lose weight.” Versus “I deserve to feel good, I deserve to be healthy, I deserved to be fit.”

If exercise doesn’t feel like a punishment and more like a reward or something that you GET to do because you're able bodied and you're able workout, you're more likely to stick to it and make it a habit because it comes from a healthier mental space.


If you’re a human, regular exercise will improve your overall well-being, crush your stress, and make you feel happier.

If you’re a human with IBS, exercise will also reduce the severity of your symptoms, regulate your digestion, and help you get rid of gas and bloating faster.

The type of exercise and intensity depends on your unique needs, but that’s the great part. There’s no “right” way to be fit, there’s no right way to exercise, and there’s no special requirements you need to meet.

Adding more movement to your life is something that’s for everyone, and everyone can enjoy the rewards!

Does Exercise Help IBS? (What you need to know to relieve symptoms!) IBS Health Coaching and FODMAP Diet Recipes | Calm Belly Kitchen (2024)


Does Exercise Help IBS? (What you need to know to relieve symptoms!) IBS Health Coaching and FODMAP Diet Recipes | Calm Belly Kitchen? ›

If you're a human, regular exercise will improve your overall well-being, crush your stress, and make you feel happier. If you're a human with IBS, exercise will also reduce the severity of your symptoms, regulate your digestion, and help you get rid of gas and bloating faster.

Does exercise help relieve IBS? ›

Some evidence suggests that low to moderate intensity exercise may help reduce symptoms of IBS, such as bloating. However, researchers highlight a need for more high quality studies to evaluate the benefits. In some cases, intense endurance training may make IBS symptoms worse.

What is the best practice for IBS? ›

General tips to relieve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms
  • cook homemade meals using fresh ingredients when you can.
  • keep a diary of what you eat and any symptoms you get – try to avoid things that trigger your IBS.
  • try to find ways to relax.
  • get plenty of exercise.
  • try probiotics for a month to see if they help.

How do you fix irritable bowel syndrome? ›

Try to:
  1. Experiment with fiber. Fiber helps reduce constipation but also can worsen gas and cramping. ...
  2. Avoid problem foods. Eliminate foods that trigger your symptoms.
  3. Eat at regular times. Don't skip meals, and try to eat at about the same time each day to help regulate bowel function. ...
  4. Exercise regularly.
May 12, 2023

What is the best breakfast for IBS sufferers? ›

You can not beat oats as a breakfast option when you have IBS - low FODMAP, high fibre and so versatile. You can add any type of milk and you can add a protein powder to increase the protein content.” Add to basket.

What is the biggest trigger for IBS? ›

Trigger #1: Eating the wrong foods
  • Sugary foods: dried fruit, apples, mangoes, watermelon and high-fructose corn syrup.
  • Foods with polyols: apples, apricots, avocados, cherries, nectarines, peaches and cauliflower.
  • Foods with lactose: milk, cheese, ice cream and yogurts.
Jan 21, 2022

Are potatoes good for IBS? ›

Baked and Boiled Potatoes

Some people with IBS find cooked potatoes are easy to digest, which is good news because baked or boiled potatoes are a natural source of nutrients like potassium. Depending on how well a person with IBS tolerates fiber, the skin of the potato may need to be removed before it's cooked.

Are eggs bad for IBS? ›

Eggs. Eggs digest easily and are a safe choice for people with IBS. Eggs can be enjoyed hard-boiled, soft-boiled, scrambled, or poached. Omelets and frittatas can be your meal of choice for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and make a great option when eating out in a restaurant.

Is salad bad for IBS? ›

For example, if you suffer from IBS diarrhea symptoms, you'll want to eat lower fiber and easier to digest foods during this time. A large salad loaded with raw vegetables, while generally super healthy, will usually make things worse for an IBS patient.

What not to drink with IBS? ›

Caffeinated drinks, including coffee, have a stimulating effect on the intestines and can cause diarrhea. Caffeine-containing coffee, sodas, and energy drinks can be triggers for people with IBS. If you need an energy boost or pick-me-up, consider eating a small snack or taking a quick walk instead.

Is drinking lots of water good for IBS? ›

Drinking around two liters of water daily can lessen the symptoms associated with IBS, such as bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea. Water is essential for digestion and toxin removal so it's no wonder that staying hydrated is the key to managing IBS.

Is chicken ok for IBS? ›

Avoid sausage, bacon, pepperoni, salami, and marbled cuts of meat. Examples of lean meats you should add to your diet if you have IBS include white-meat chicken, white-meat turkey, and cuts of beef like sirloin and top round. Your doctor or nutritionist may also recommend eating pork, veal, duck, and fish.

Is tuna good for IBS? ›

Fresh fish (Cod, Haddock and/or Plaice; Salmon, Trout and/or Tuna) is without doubt among the foods good for IBS in most cases, as is canned tuna. So-called 'safe' herbs to flavour your dishes with include: Basil, Chili and Coriander. Ginger, Lemongrass and Marjoram.

Is it good to rest with IBS? ›

It is OK to rest with IBS

If you are able, take the time to nap in the afternoon so that your body can repair. Take time to perhaps sit in a warm bath to calm cramping or any type of soreness. Say no to a social gathering if you are dying from symptoms, you don't have to torture yourself.

Can lack of exercise cause digestive problems? ›

A lack of exercise or physical activity can adversely affect gut health in several ways: Slowed Gastrointestinal Transit Time: The absence of regular exercise can increase gastrointestinal transit time – the duration it takes for food to travel through the digestive system.

Where is IBS pain located? ›

The chronic pain (pain lasting 6 months or longer) in IBS can be felt anywhere in the abdomen (belly), though is most often reported in the lower abdomen. It may be worsened soon after eating, and relieved or at times worsened after a bowel movement. It is not always predictable and may change over time.

Does deep breathing help IBS? ›

Belly breathing is shown to have an extensive range of benefits, from lowering stress levels to improving core muscles by strengthening your diaphragm. The Global Classroom has identified some of the core belly breathing benefits: Reduced feelings of stress and anxiety. Relieving irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms.


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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.